X. International Symposium on History Education (ISHE 2024)

4-6 October 2024 - Kars / Turkey
Abstract Submission

Letter of Invitation

Dear Researchers,

The Xth International Symposium on History Education (ISHE 2024) will be held in Kars on 04-06 October 2024, hosted by Kafkas University, Dede Korkut Faculty of Education, Department of Social Studies Education.

Scientific studies will be presented at the symposium under the topics of history education, history of education, historiography and historiography. Abstract papers sent to the symposium will be accepted after the blind referee process.

We would be very happy to see you, our valuable academicians, researchers, teachers, teacher candidates and students, among us at our symposium, and we wish you success and ease in your work.

On behalf of the ISHE 2024 Organizing Committee,
Among the papers sent as full text, those deemed appropriate will be directed to the international and indexed journals that support the symposium.
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