Kars City

How to get to Kars?

Kars Airport is 7 km from the city centre. Except for special cases, only domestic flights are organised as of now. There are daily flights to Istanbul and Ankara and 3 days a week to Izmir. Transportation to the airport is provided by municipal buses, taxis and services of travel agencies. There are non-stop flights from our city to Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir by air. The daily number and hours of these flights vary according to winter and summer months.
Airport Tel: (+90-474) 223 06 74
The distance of the bus terminal to the city centre is 3 km, and the New Terminal, which is expected to be opened until the date of the symposium, is parallel to the airport and is 7 km away from the city. You can go to the bus station from the city centre by taxi, shuttle buses of the companies and minibuses. Kars can be accessed from Erzurum, Ağrı, Iğdır, Ardahan highways via different routes.
Bus Station Tel: (+90-474) 223 33 33 - 223 29 55 - 212 77 77
The distance of the train station to the city centre is 1 km. Transport is provided by taxis and minibuses. Kars-Ankara Istanbul railway (via Erzurum- Erzincan-Sivas-Kayseri) connections are available. You can also choose the touristic Eastern Express between Ankara and Kars.
Station Tel: (+90-474) 223 43 98 - 223 43 99
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